Laissez-faire (2015)
Documentary, History,

Production(s): Vox Populi ,

Date de sortie: 2015-01-30

In the last 250 years, free-market ideology has played a central role in the development of the logic and rhetoric that have influenced the daily life of populations throughout the world. It was cornered for a few decades during the twentieth century in favor of a social economy for the public interest, and then returned to the limelight in the last thirty years of the century to dominate the logics that drive world economies, doing the favor of the elites at the expense of 99%. Through the testimony of six people informed about the facts, Laissez-faire offers a historical and ideological perspective through which to identify the fundamental problems of the economic mechanism on which societies are based..

cast(s): Ronald Reagan , Margaret Thatcher , Salvador Allende , Milton Friedman , John Maynard Keynes , John Perkins , Naomi Klein , Karl Marx , Thomas Sankara , Giovanni Agnelli , Jaime Roldós Aguilera , Clement Attlee , Tony Benn , Enrico Berlinguer , Ben Bernanke , William Beveridge , George H.W. Bush , Eamonn Butler , Jimmy Carter , Fidel Castro , Che Guevara , Winston Churchill , Blaise Compaoré , Michel Crozier , Deng Xiaoping , Mario Draghi , John Elkann , Edwin J. Feulner , Timothy Geithner , Carter Glass , Mikhail Gorbachev ,

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