High Heels, Real Love
High Heels, Real Love (1981)


Date de sortie: 1981-10-29

A bored company owner decides to find out what it is like to be one of his workers. During his "transformation" he falls in love with a cafeteria worker. When his alter ego "The Boss" makes an inappropriate comment to his would-be girlfriend, the worker challenges his "Boss" to a Duel..

cast(s): Monique van de Ven , Rijk de Gooyer , Geert de Jong , Dolf de Vries , Bill Van Dijk , Olga Zuiderhoek , Leen Jongewaard , Anne van der Heyden , Hannah de Leeuwe , Johan Ooms , Max Croiset , Gees Linnebank , Marina de Graaf , Huib Broos , Hein Boele , Jerome Reehuis , Jon Bluming , Dick Scheffer , Liz Snoyink ,

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