Don't Wake Me Up
Don't Wake Me Up (2018)
Drama, Family,

Production(s): Escac Films ,

Date de sortie: 2018-10-22

Jone is a sixteen year old girl that lives in Bilbao (Basque Country) in 2009. In her highschool you can feel the independentist environment, demonstrations, strikes... are usuals between the students organizations. In this moment her dad starts to work int the Basque Government, between other things he has to go with body guards. This situation will change Jones life and she will have to learn to live between two worlds that she doesn't understand yet, and to understand that not everything is black or white..

cast(s): Ibone Ajuria , Josean Bengoetxea , Maddi Gutiérrez , Itziar Lazkano , Eder Pastor , Malen Razkin , Amets Zulueta , Nerea Erdozain ,

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