Little Tickles
Little Tickles (2018)
Drama, Comedy,

Production(s): Les Films du Kiosque , France 2 Cinéma , Orange Studio , uMedia ,

Date de sortie: 2018-11-14

Odette is a 8-yr-old girl who loves to dance and draw. Once she has become an adult, Odette realizes she was abused, and immerses herself body and soul in her career as a dancer while trying to deal with her past..

cast(s): Andréa Bescond , Karin Viard , Clovis Cornillac , Pierre Deladonchamps , Grégory Montel , Carole Franck , Gringe , Ariane Ascaride , Cyrille Mairesse , Léonie Simaga , Eric Métayer , Bénédicte Cerruti , Marie-Christine Orry , Jade Phan-Gia , Benjamin Dur , Valentin Pinette , Jeanne Arènes , Christophe Laubion , Isabelle Bouchemaa , Lucie Boujenah , Hubert Roulleau , Tristan Perrotta , Alexis Michalik , Claude Benzaquen , Juno Métayer , Marie-Ortys Sina , Yannick Ruiz , Yassine Fadel , Lamine Fathi , Luna Chiquertille , Eden Ducourant ,

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