PWG: DDT4 (2009)

Production(s): Pro Wrestling Guerrilla ,

Date de sortie: 2009-05-22

DDT4 Opening Round Match 1. The Dynasty (Scott Lost & Joey Ryan) vs. Hybrid Dolphins (Bryan Danielson & Roderick Strong) DDT4 Opening Round Match 2. Dark & Lovely (Human Tornado & Scorpio Sky) vs. Kenny Omega & Chuck Taylor DDT4 Opening Round Match Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Tag Team Championship Title Match 3. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson, Champions) vs. The Cutler Brothers (Brandon & Dustin Cutler) 4. "Youngest Buck" Malachi Jackson vs. Phoenix Star DDT4 Semi-Finals and Finals.

cast(s): Scott Epperson , Joseph Ryan Meehan , Bryan Danielson , Chris Lindsey , Craig Williams , Schuyler Andrews , Tyson Smith , Dustin Howard , Matthew Massie Jr. , Nicholas Lee Massie , Brandon Bogle , Dustin Bogle , Malachi Massie , Phoenix Star , Josh Harter , Patrick Martin , Chris Spradlin ,

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